Guardian Angel declared interest in Esther 2 weeks after meeting her

He shot his shot very quickly because of a cute reason

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Esther wanted to be Guardian Angel's music manager.

• She met him thanks to Maina Kageni

Guardian Angel with his wife Esther Musila.
Image: courtesy

The Omwaka's love story has been one for the books in their three years together.

Guardian and Esther spoke on the Mungai Eve YouTube channel where she revealed she initially wanted to be his manager before things took a turn to dating.

Esther had a goal to elevate his career " I wanted to see him in a better place than I found him, and I think God has been very faithful."

She met him thanks to Maina Kageni. She was 49 and needed something in her life.

"I met Guardian because of a song that I heard. Because my wish the previous year when I was 49 I had asked God you know to just give me a new turn in my life, and one of the things I wanted is for him to just give me a purpose with my life. 

"I've been there, and I've done that I felt there was something empty in my life that I needed to just accomplish. And hearing that song and I keep telling Guardian that song was just written for me because all the words in that song have everything that I wished for," 

She first heard the song on Classic 105 and texted Maina inquiring about the artiste.

"And from the first time he played that song, I caught a few words then I asked him who sang that song. So quickly he texted back and said, Guardian Angle"

Esther added about it; "I had never heard of Guardian Angle, surprisingly I used to sing some of his songs, that Maina plays, I had never heard of him. 

"So Maina played the song again, and when I got to the office I googled this artiste, and Im thinking who is his manager? I mean me being the person I am I know music so much but how come I dont know this guy? So I talked to Maina and we arranged a meeting. Guardian didnt even know coz he and Maina had their own deals. 

"But I think for me my purpose was to 'Why isn't this guy out there? With the kind of messages that he has in his song, this isn't justice for him. So that is how I came into his life. and we are here."

Esther had a plan to grow Guardian as an artiste "When I met him, it was for us to grow his music. We needed to come up with a plan for how he needs to be out there, that was the plan. But God has his own plans"

It took Guardian Angel two weeks to shoot his shot after this.

Esther said "He was recording a song and he asked if I could be a part of it. So I came there very fast. Kumbe mjamaa huku"

Guardian tells why he was so bold; 

"Sidhani kama niliogopa. When you are a follower, I lead, you follow." he briefly explained.

Esther's next task was to tell her children about her new man.

"They could tell, most of the time I was on my phone in my eventually one day I told them I was seeing this person, they were excited but being kids, me being their only parent, there was that notion that how will we be left alone, but Guardian when I introduced him to them, they had a rapport, "

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