Arrow Bwoy: Nadia and I can stay a week without talking

Nadia and Arrow Bwoy have opened up about their private life

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• The award-winning singers got candid about their private life.

Nadia Mukami with Arrow Bwoy
Image: Instagram

Nadia Mukami and Arrow Bwoy are on a media tour for their joint EP love and Vibes. Four songs of which one is about their split.

The couple told Radio Maisha that parenting is nice, "We thank God. The first year was hard but right now is when I ma appreciating motherhood. He is 14 months. The first 7-8 months was hard."

Arrow Bwoy said that he feels first hand the pressures she faces, "Nyumba haikaliki mwenzako ka hayuko sawa, hiyo nyumba haikaliki bana so kama alikuwa anapitia magumu nilikuwa naipata," he said.

Nadia defended herself saying balancing work and motherhood is challenging

"Being a female artiste I have to perform, I have to keep the body image so it was hard."

The 'Radio Love' singer was hurt by the cyber-bullying, "My stylist had a specific clothes, it was either that or I wear a t-shirt." 

Nadia also said that Arrow Bwoy did not object to the outfit, "Kila mtu around walisema uko poa, nilitukanwa nikaambiwa nakaa ule wa wrestling."

Arrow Bwoy also blamed KRG the Don for hyping up Nadia and encouraging Nadia to dress like that;

"Kwanza ile video ya catwalk ilikuwa KRG," Arrow Bwoy apparently was tickled by the social media comments according to Nadia, who said he made fun of her .

Arrow explaine how he handled her being mocked for her terrible outfit for a Meru show three months after giving birth.

"Ilikuwa ni funny the fact that unajua tulikuwa tunataka kuachive look flani. But what we wanted people to know above all is tulikuwa tunataka hio show iongelewe so mavazi pia ilikuwa different huwezi enda vinormal ka unataka pia kitu yako iongelewe, you have to go extra mile kuleta art, ilikuwa ni art."

Nadia, "Ah its once in a time, you feel bad the first time then you get used to it. I can't blame the stylist because my body had changed, they could not have seen the changes in the fitting," the 'Kai Wangu' singer continued.

They also spoke about their brief breakup, insisting it was not clout chasing. They said that they had differences that saw them living apart before reuniting.

"Nilikuwa nimechoka, plus being a new mum it was not very easy, Next time akirudia itabidi aoe tena," Nadia shared.

Arrow Bwoy disclosed that they can stay at home one week without talking.

"Eh bro nyumbani tunaweza kaa wiki moja hatuongeleshani. Watu waambiane tuu ukweli. Kuna tuu time ananuka yani unaona tuu mwenzako anapita.

Hii ni nini tena..yeh lakini unajua kazi ikishaita, shughuli ingine ile baadaye, heri tugombane mimi sina uadui na pesa."

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