Why Maina Kageni would like to interview Mama Ngina

Maina and Mama Ngina would bump into each other at a Golf Club

• Maina Kageni would like to interview Mama Ngina.

• Maina recounted his interactions with Kenya’s maiden first lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.

Mama Ngina Kenyatta
Mama Ngina Kenyatta

Media personality Maina Kageni would like to interview Mama Ngina.

Speaking in a recent YouTube interview, Maina recounted his interactions with Kenya’s maiden first lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta.

He said that the two would bump into each other at a Golf Club where they were both members.

Mama Ngina would then clear Maina's bills.

She used to come and pay my bills. She was very good friends with the late Njenga Karume. I used to play golf (during the day) and play darts in the evening with Njenga Karume. Mama Ngina would normally come in the evening, have a cup of tea and talk to him (Njenga Karume) where we used to play darts, pick up my bills and pay them. She was wonderful. It was almost unacceptable for me to pay my bills," he recounted.

Maina said that it would be important for Kenyan media to interview the Kenyatta family matriarch, Mama Ngina.

Given an opportunity, Maina said it would be a great honor to interview her.

"If there is one person who I would want to be interviewed is Mama Ngina Kenyatta since she was before independent and she has seen the structure of government coming together.

She is a treasure of information and someone needs to interview her."

Maina also talked about his friendship with retired president Uhuru Kenyatta saying he was 'a real loyalist'.

He also promised to share an interesting story of when he met the former head of state for the first time and how they became great friends. 

"I am going to ask the former president (Uhuru Kenyatta) if it's a possibility but I think even he knows that it has to be done at some point. He is my boy and he remains by friend. I supported his presidency and I respect that even President Ruto understand that I was a real loyalist to Uhuru Kenyatta. I support his government as well since I know where we have come," Kageni said.

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