Murugi Munyi- Having a child at 19 was a tough season

The mother of three is currently raising her son with her husband Zack although he is not the boy's biological father.

• Yummy Mummy is a mother of three.

• She is raising her son with her husband Zack even though he is not the boy's biological dad.

Murugi Munyi with her son Ethan in the past and now.

Content creator Murugi Munyi says getting a child at an early age is very challenging for any woman.

Having had her firstborn son at 19, Murugi commended herself for a job well done as her turn is officially a teenager.

Through her socials she captioned

"Missing my little guy! I can’t believe he’s going to be a teenager this year. When you have a child so young (I was 19 when I had him) it’s so difficult in that season that it never occurs to you at that time, that they’re one day going to be grown up.

But alas, time passes and they do grow up! Thanking God for his grace and favor these past 15 years 🙏🏽❤️"

The mother of three is currently raising her son with her husband Zack although he is not the boy's biological father.

Her fans commended her with some sharing their experience, agreeing that it has not been easy raising these kids.

Check out some of the reactions below

merylkesh: I had mine at 13 wueh! It was super hard, especially the stigma. She joined form 1 and I'm in awe😍. God is faithful.

kiki.g.kinyua: Mine  is 13yrs old now as well. Sometimes I look at her and be like, whose grown child is that?😀 We thank God for them❤️

elysian_byemily: I had mine at 17... Now I'm 33 and he's 16. We are the real-life superheroes!

shaxiyah: Same age when I got mine😍😍😍😍and now he turned 10yrs I feel bad coz I've not been with him and I feel like in a few years he will be different, oooh holy molly help him not to change atleast i enjoy 😢

martinkiv89: I know that season was tough but you overcame people talking @murugi.munyi l know we are the same age at that time being preggo was such a taboo!! It's only God l don't you well but l can imagine how isolated you were!! Your so-called friends. That is why your content is relatable because you can see right through our generation. Will due respect l can see myself dating a millennial.

mary.mumbi.33: You are my agemate @murugi.munyi I had my son when I was 19 as well he is 13 now they grow up so fast!

At what age did you have your first child and how was the experience?

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