Comedian Muthee Kiengei celebrated his 38th birthday in style on Sunday. The father of two who is also a priest at one of the popular churches in Gatundu was surprised by Tiktoker Moya David who assigned one of his dancers to present flowers for Kiengei during a church sermon.
The young lady danced to Moya's favourite song, Mi Amor, and gifted the man of God flowers and other goodies.
Moya then walked into the church with a huge cake and handed it over to Kiengei as the congregation cheered.
An emotional Kiengei shed a tear before he and his wife joined Moya in dancing.
Kiengei has promised to keep praying for Moya and his team to keep spreading happiness.
"Thank you so much. This was just a surprise, kwanza time ya sermon aaaaaah," he said adding;
"I am now indebted to pray for this young man...@moyadavid1 I never understood the happiness that you always bring and dance to people until yesterday....."
His friends in the industry also brought him a cake in church to celebrate him.
Two months ago, Moya also surprised Machakos governor Wavinya Ndeti on her birthday.
The 25-year-old dancer created a name for himself with his antics in markets and bus stations.
Moya was hired to gift Machakos governor before she gave her speech in Athi River.
"SERIKALI IMESMILE! Today I was very honored To Surprise Her Excellency Governor of Machakos County Wavinya Ndeti.
It was such an unexpected and also exciting moment for her as she was about to give her speech in Athiriver, Then boom here comes Moyadavid," the excited dancer shared on his social media pages.
Moya then wished the governor a happy birthday as he presented flowers to her.
He added that his mission is to create more smiles on people's faces.
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