Mama Olive on why self-soothing for kids is super beneficial

Self-soothing is the ability to calm ourselves down which means that a baby is able to fall asleep, or return to sleep after waking, on their own with little or no crying.

• Mama Olive recently revealed she suffered from post partum rage months after welcoming her last born

• She has three baby girls

Award-winning photographer and lifestyle content creator Tatiana Karanja popularly known by her Instagram handle Mama Olive opened up about the differences her last born exhibits as compared to her two elder sisters.

In a post where she was talking about kids' self-soothing habits and why they're important, she admitted that life for her isn't as easy as when she had her firstborn or even the second child.

She mentioned that she has more to juggle right now and no extra pair of hands as she split up with the father of her three kids.

Before we even go further, for those who don't know simply put self-soothing is the ability to calm ourselves down which means that a baby can fall asleep, or return to sleep after waking, on their own with little or no crying.

Speaking on the same this is what the digital content creator had to say:

"Self-soothing, why it's beneficial, and my experience.

Let me start by saying none of my other babies used a pacifier or sucked their thumb to self soothe, I think in many ways they had me there to help soothe them all the time

With Olive, I never put her down (first babies and all), with Marley I was a bit more relaxed but she still was able to be on me all the time because I had 2 hands and was able to manage 2 babies quite well.

This time around with 3 babies, the juggle is REAL and I’ve found it so lovely that Nova is able to soothe herself which leaves me a bit free to take care of my other kids and what's needed at home/work.

I swear it's God's way of giving me a little breather."

Image: Instagram

On the post she'd shared of little Nova calmly suckling her thumb as she slowly played with her teddy bear, Nova can be seen slowly falling asleep as her eyes get heavy with sleep.

Tatiana followed it up with photos of Nova fully asleep.

The rest of her post read.

"Self soothing is an important lifelong skill for both adults and babies, that can help with sleeping, managing emotions, building healthy relationships, and so much more.

Self soothing for babies can help them feel at ease when they are dealing with frustration, excitement or having intense emotions.

It can also reduce the amount of worry and fear we carry around with us.

Personally I LOVE the fact that Nova self soothes because with 3 kids I struggle to juggle them all and and this means that Nova is able to keep herself comfortable while I'm watching the other 2.

It also helps me at night because she can put herself to sleep easily, and actually any time she wants to nap as well or just keeping herself busy and comfortable when I'm not able to tend to her! And honestly y'all, how cute is she."

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