'Murife don't run' - Duale tells Junet in Parliament and its laughable

Azimio has reiterated that they are still the majority party.


• The 13th Parliament on Tuesday convened to decide on the matter of majority membership of the House.

• Junet said the House ought to respect that Kenyans voted for the Raila Odinga-led Azimio coalition as the majority.

. Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.
MP Aden Duale . Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.

After Garissa Town MP Aden Duale joked, "Murife don't run," lawmakers on Tuesday were treated to a light moment in the chamber.

In the midst of a dispute about whose party holds the majority in the House, Duale was speaking to MP Junet Mohamed of Suna East and his Azimio colleagues.

He cited his advice to 12th Parliament members not to vote in favor of the Political Parties Amendment Act, which allowed political parties to form coalition parties.

"Mr Speaker, I remember I told my colleagues then, that don't make laws that will haunt you. There are people who are running away from that chaos," he said.

"As they say Murife don't run, Junet and your colleagues don't run. This matter must be decided this afternoon."

The 13th Parliament on Tuesday convened to decide on the matter of majority membership of the House as both Kenya Kwanza and Azimio lay claim to the status.

Each side maintained that they hold the sway owing to their numerical superiority courtesy of members of affiliate parties. 

Junet said the House ought to respect that Kenyans voted for the Raila Odinga-led Azimio coalition as the majority.

"The will of the people of Kenya who elected the President must be respected just as the will of the people who gave certain coalitions and parties the majority in this house," he said.

Duale dismissed the remarks saying Azimio was not a political part but a coalition, given that its members were elected under their various political parties.

In response, nominated MP John Mbadi argued that Azimio is a corporate political party.

"The reason why Azimio was accepted to be registered is that it's a corporate political party. The moment you are a member of ODM, by extension you are a member of Azimio political party," he said.

Azimio has reiterated that they are still the majority party, despite some members having decamped to the ruling Kenya Kwanza.

Kathiani MP Robert Mbui argued that even though Azimio may not have the majority members in a few coming months, they own the majority title now.

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. Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.
MP Aden Duale . Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.
. Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.
MP Aden Duale . Murife Don't run - Duale tells Junet.