'I left it to God,' Diamond's father after singer denounced him

Mzee Abdul Juma has forgiven everyone that hurt him.

•Diamond said in an interview  that he came to learn that Mzee Abdul is not his biological father.

• Singer's father said Mzee refused to take responsibility of the pregnancy.

Diamond Platnumz and his estranged father, Mzee Abdul
Diamond Platnumz and his estranged father, Mzee Abdul

Mzee Abdul Juma, estranged father to Tanzanian music mogul Diamond Platnumz says that he has forgiven everyone that hurt him including the singer.

In a recent SnS interview, Mzee Abdul said he has forgiven Diamond for denouncing him as his dad.

"I'm easy with forgiving people. And so, I have forgiven with one heart just like God has forgiven me. I have no grudge.

"I am starting a new, my new life."

He went on to add that it was difficult for him to adjust to the news but later moved on with life.

"It was a hard time for me. I thought about it and I relaxed my mind. It is in the past. I have moved on. God gave me strength. I have left it to God."

Mzee Abdul Juma is also father to singer Queen Darleen who is signed under WCB.

Last year, Diamond said in an interview with Wasafi that he came to learn that Mzee Abdul is not his father.

He cited the late Mzee Nyange as his biological father instead.

“Ni kweli mzee Abdul sio baba yangu mzazi,. Lakini tangu mtoto nilikuwa nampenda sana mpaka mwaka 2000 ndio mama yake Romy Jons akaniambia ukweli. Hakuna mtu ambaye alikuwa anajua ukweli kwa sababu ndugu zangu wote niliwakusanya kwa upendo kuanzia wakina Ricardo Momo na Queen Darleen,

(It is true that Mzee Abdul is not my father. I loved him so much when I was growing up until the year 2000 when Romy Jones' mother told me the truth.

No one knew the truth because I treated all my siblings equally from the likes of Ricardo Momo to Queen Darleen)


Diamond with his daughter Tiffah
Diamond with his daughter Tiffah
Image: courtesy


Diamond said even when he knew the truth he went on to respect Mzee Abdul even when he walked out on them.

Mama Diamond Platnumz Bi. Sanura Sandra Kassim aka Mama Dangote also confirmed that she sired Diamond with Mzee Nyange and not Mzee Abdul.

She added that Mzee Abdul also refused to take responsibility for the pregnancy.

“Baba Yake anaitwa Salum Iddy Nyange, Mzee Abdul ni Baba Mlezi wa Diamond. Tangu nina ujauzito wa Naseeb yeye mwenyewe aliukataa, akasema mimba sio yangu, na yeye mwenyewe anajua maana nishaamwambia siku zote."

 (His biological dad is Iddy Nyange, Abdul is the dad who raised him. Since the first day I was pregnant with Diamond, he refused to take responsibility, he said it wasn't his and he knows because I had told him)

Mama Diamond said Mzee Abdul did not give child support and had never helped in any way in the upbringing of Diamond.

"Na ninachomsema kila siku, ungeikubali mimba toka ndogo basi hungekosa mtoto na ndio kosa lake, na hajatusaidia na kitu chochote toka nursery mpaka sekondari. Alinikuta nina ujauzito wa Diamond”(I say this every day, that if he accepted the child, right now he's have been the father. He didn't even help with anything, from nursery to secondary school.)