Churchill Show comedian Nasra and hubby expecting a child

Nasra Yusuf and Rashid Abdalla excited over pregnancy news

• Rashid Abdalla was also over the moon speaking about how God had answered their prayers.

• Nasra Yusuf shared a test kit that had a positive result with a caption explaining how happy she was over the news.

Nasra and Rashid in the past
Image: Courtesy

Churchill Show comedians, Nasra Yusuf and Rashid Abdalla are expecting their first child together. The couple announced the news via their posts on their Instagram accounts.

They both posted a photo of themselves together flaunting the results of a pregnancy test. Nasra Yusuf accompanied the photo with a caption explaining how happy she was over the news.

"This is the happiest I have been in a long time. I'm in love with a woman I haven't met yet...can't wait to meet you my baby...imagine having a child with the love of your life. I love you @director_rashid" she wrote.

Rashid Abdalla was also over the moon speaking about how God had answered their prayers.

He wrote:

"I have been waiting for this to happen for a while and finally Allah has made it happen alhamdulillah. I can't wait to meet you my baby. You will be cute like your mother @nasrayusuf...I love you".

Rashid, a director, actor, and also a comedian, proposed to Nasra in February last year.

The couple first met during Churchill Show’s Top Comic auditions three years ago and have been dating ever since.

7 months after their wedding, Comedian Nasra Yusuf teased her fans that she was divorcing her husband. While announcing the breakup, Nasra also apologised to her fans.

"Dear #Nasrashid fans, I'm sorry to disappoint y'all but Rashid and I are no longer together. It's been an exciting yet challenging journey and we both feel like we deserve better," she shared.

"I'll be filing for my divorce soon because of irreconcilable issues and I'm already adjusting to being single. I take this time to appreciate the support you've shown us. Asanteni sana, and please don't give up on love because of one bad ending."

It was later discovered that they had pranked their fans.

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