Watch-Omosh blasts 'lambistic' Kibe in fiery video

Omosh has had enough of Andrew Kibe's relentless attacks on him

• Andrew Kibe has made Omosh a constant part of his show and trolls him constantly on his Lives.

• Omosh has decided to defend himself and used the allegation that Kibe is a 'kept man'.

in a file photo
Joseph Kinuthia aka Omosh in a file photo
Image: Courtesy

Joseph Kinuthia alias Omosh is not a happy camper at the moment. The former Tahidi High actor is breathing fire because of Andrew Kibe's relentless attacks on his person.

In a video that he posted on his Tik Tok page, the thespian called out Kibe for calling him a useless man. This happened while he played back a clip in which Kibe had mercilessly criticised him, 

"This(Kibe) is one useless man! This is one useless person!" he started out.

Omosh then went on to play a part in the video where Kibe mocks the actor for saying that he has 'families'.

"Kibe, Do you even have a family?" Omosh incredulously asked while proceeding to play the clip from the controversial YouTube content creator.

Andrew Kibe posing
Image: Instagram

"A useless man has 2 families in Kenya. Even that Fanta bottle that he(Omosh) is drinking just has Konyagi in it," Kibe added reffering to Omosh's previous struggles with the bottle.

"Kadrink, sijawai kosa. Kadrink sijawai kosa!" Omosh said as he made an elaborate (and sarcastic) sketch where he poured himself an orange-coloured drink on camera.

A clearly displeased Omosh then stared into the camera and addressed Kibe, telling him,

"Mr. Kibe, this (pointing at the orange liquid) is my drink. Whatever you said, Konyagi ni yako. By the way, do you have Konyagi there? Us we don't take konyagi, we take something that's called juice."

He then went on to outrageously slurp the juice like it was living water as he stared sardonically into the camera.

After the skit, Omosh ditched the theatrics calling out Kibe in Kikuyu, "You monkey, why do you keep trolling me and my women? Don't you have your own women?"


"Kibe, I miss you. Can I come to America and then you house me, the way you're being housed by your older woman?" he scorned, regurgitating the rumour that Kibe is a kept man.

"Kwenda huko, you lambistic piece of ..." Omosh said finishing with one of Kibe's favourite disses. 

Watch Omosh's video below;

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