Bahati to Jaguar! Celebs who have differed with their political parties

Celeb politicians who have had issues with their political parties

• Starehe MP Charles Jaguar lost his nomination to Simon Mbugua during UDA's primaries last week.

• Jaguar questioned democracy saying Starehe people were not allowed to take part in the nominations.

Bahati, Jagua and DP William Ruto in a past event
Bahati, Jagua and DP William Ruto in a past event
Image: courtesy

Bahati today broke down today while pleading with ODM party leader Raila Odinga and Jubilee leader, President Uhuru to intervene for him to be allowed to run for the Mathare MP seat.

During a press briefing, Bahati claimed that he'd received calls from ODM people who asked him to step down from his candidature for the sitting MP.

Bahati is among other celebrities vying for political seats who have had problems in getting into the 2022 August polls with their parties of choice.

Other celebrities include;

Starehe MP Charles Jaguar lost his nomination to Simon Mbugua during UDA's primaries last week.

He has since announced that he will be challenging Simon Mbugua as an independent candidate in Starehe Constituency.

Jaguar questioned democracy saying Starehe people were not allowed to take part in the nominations.

"The people of Starehe were denied their democratic right to go to the ballot again for the nominations and choose their leader. The party decided to carry out opinion polls to decide whom to award the nomination certificate and it has been done. Could this be an outcome of certificates that started making rounds before nominations? Is democracy at stake here?"

UDA also claimed that MC Jessy had dropped his bid for the South Imenti MP seat and would support Mwiti Kathaara.

In a recent interview, Jessy dismissed the statement saying he didn't agree to step down. He is also pursuing the South Imenti seat as an independent candidate. 

MC Jessy then urged young politicians not to trust everyone, adding that he regrets attending the meeting.

"Young people have a lot of work ahead of them, especially those of us who joined politics recently. Do not trust everyone with your political plans."


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