Five celebrities who accompanied wives to the delivery rooms


• Not all men join their women in the delivery room, some just wait outside at the reception.

Image: Trevor Owens

Men are opening up to experiencing childbirth by accompanying their partners to the delivery rooms.

Studies have shown that having a labor companion improves outcomes for women.

There are celebrities who have always supported their wives during their pregnancy period till delivery.

Below is a list of celebrities who have accompanied their wives in the delivery rooms.

   1. Kabi wa Jesus.

During Milly wa Jesus's delivery, four days ago, her husband Kabi was standing right besides her. 

A photo of Kabi during the process left men wondering whether they should all take the same step of following their women to the labor room.

Kabi is among the few men known to be giving support to their women throughout pregnancy and during delivery. 

   2. Dj Moz

Dj Moz has been showing so much love to his mzungu wife Deborah Kimathi, throughout her pregnancies, he gave her support by accompanying her to the labor rooms, something that every woman wishes to have in a man.

   3. Arrow boy

It was just recently that Arrow boy and Nadia Mukani welcomed their first baby to the world. and Arrow boy revealed that his love for Nadia multiplied after witnessing her give birth to their son.

He also said that the same made him have so much respect for other women.

   4. Daddie Marto

Daddie Marto and his wife Christine Koku have shared many experiences together from childbearing to child delivery since Daddie Marto has been willing to go through the same struggles as his wife.

   5. Frankie Justgymit

Frankie is one of the few celebrities who are known for supporting their women in the labor rooms, throughout the clinic visiting till child delivery.

Frankie has shown Corazon Kwamboka and other women that pregnancy involves both wife and husband and not to be left for women alone.

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