Why Frankie JustGymIt is a great boyfriend but bad husband

Frankie Kiarie's second long-term relationship has ended in short order

Frankie Kiarie
Image: Courtesy

Frankie Kiarie aka Justgymit and his second baby mama, Corazon Kwamboka are no more. The two who had a whirlwind relationship that started in late 2019 announced their breakup yesterday.

The news has been met with shock from most Kenyans, with ladies in Team Maureen Waititu openly celebrating the end of their relationship saying it was "karma".

Frankie Kiarie with Maureen Waititu in the past
Image: Courtesy

But are there lessons to be learnt from this whole saga? There are some but I will focus on one, that is why men like Frankie are bound to fail at long-term relationships.

First off, let's examine what Frankie brings to the s3xual marketplace ( the love economy is also based on supply and demand dynamics)

Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Kiarie
Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Kiarie
Image: Mercy Mumo

His looks

Frankie is a literal Greek God as far as aesthetics go. A top 5 percenter as far as his body goes. Pair that with great style and he becomes a top 1 percenter.

His money

Frankie's wallet is nothing to laugh at. Not only is he a well-known fitness instructor (which he does as his 9-5), he is also a brand influencer.

By using some shameless pocket-watching, one can deduce that he makes a minimum of Shs 250k per month from his various endeavours. He might not be balling but he is doing better than most men.

In this sphere, he is a top 10-percenter as far as high-earning men go.  


The father of 4 is not a shrinking violet as far as charisma and social clout goes. He is smart, funny and easily draws people to him, and is in the top percentile as far as presence and magnetism go.

When one combines all 3, we can see that Frankie is a top draw as far as the attraction Olympics go. He is a top 10 percenter among men.

So why does he seem to keep on struggling as far as relationships go if he looks so good on paper?

The answer is simple; His intangibles. According to dictionary.cambridge.org, the word intangible means, "Impossible to touch, to describe exactly, or to give an exact value."

The intangibles of a great husband are; Loyalty, faithfulness, self-control, patience, compassion, leadership, stoicism, honesty, being boring, being reliable, and will of might.

The intangibles for a husband can be summarised with the word; Stability.

What intangibles does Frankie possess in abundance at the moment?  Boyfriend intangibles.

They are: reckless, ambitious, self-centered, proud, unpredictable, authentic, emotional, disagreableness, independent, dangerous, dominant, and never boring.

Boyfriend intangibles can be summed up with the word; Exciting.

As you can see from the above, Frankie's intangibles make him the best boyfriend one can have but they don't translate to the role of husband. In fact, they seem diametrically opposed.

Does that mean that the same man can't have both intangibles? No, but that one set will have to take a back seat to the other.

Truth is; Frankie's boyfriend intangibles (the ones that made Maureen and Corazon) fall for him are the same ones that are causing him to lose them while in long-term relationships.

And that will mean he loses a large part of who and what he is, for a marriage-Traits that have been rewarded handsomely in the past. Is that a sacrifice he is willing to make? 

Only time will tell.

But what do I know...

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