Zora actor Fela auctioned over 1 year rent arrears

•I continued staying in that house empty as it was, the house only had a bed. I stayed there for 1 week plus before a friend came to my rescue.

Image: Instagram

Zora actress Fela has narrated how he was auctioned in 2020 after failing to pay his rent for more than 1 and a half years.

Fela says at the time jobs had stopped coming in after Covid-19 was reported in Kenya. He was also involved in an accident that made things hard for him.

"Before 2019 we had started feeling the impacts of Covid-19 as the Karaoke events were becoming no-existent.

We would sometimes be paid half the amount and I had started getting arrears. The entire of 2020 I had not paid my rent.

At the end of  2020 I was auctioned because my landlord felt I was lying.

I continued staying in that house empty as it was, the house only had a bed. I stayed there for 1 week plus before a friend came to my rescue.

He went and bought my car from the auctioneers, from that money I got some cash to pay rent for a few months.

If I can pay rent, have food and pay school fees for my kids nitaishi tuu.

That is one of the reasons I do not have a girlfriend. I am trying to teach my daughter to rely on herself.

I want her to understand that she is not getting married to be taken care of."


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