Wueh!!! MaryaPrude responds to veeery dirty message from Kenyan man

• "Hi Maryaprude I am optimistic that you are fine. I am seriously crushing on you. Could we kindly date? I am a college student." - Onyango

A Kenyan man has thrown his shot at Marya Prude, ex-wife to Citizen TV host Willis Raburu.

In the leaked DM, the man identified as Onyango is seen describing how succulent her lips are. He then went ahead to ask if the 'mother of two' would agree to date him despite being a college student.

The DM partly read,

"Hi, Maryaprude I am optimistic that you are fine. I am seriously crushing on you. Could we kindly date? I am a college student.

Hi, your lips are so cute and thick for a thick cuddle and fleshly wet bite, with a smooth lovely tongue as sweet fluids are being sucked from your bosom.

Your bullish bedroom eyes and ebullient, sassy looks depict a mood that ignites a depth of wetness".

Marya was obviously not amused by the DM, She responded by saying

"Eii Onyango!!!pppthooo."

Check out the entire screenshot below

Marya Prude
Image: Instagram

If you were Marya, what would your response to Onyango be?

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