Cynthia Nyamai recalls how a CEO's proposition made her feel like a prostitute

•"He told me we are not kids. I told him I wasn’t interested, after what he told me, I felt like I was called a prostitute." - Cynthia Nyamai

Cynthia Nyamai
Image: Instagram

PR Guru and TV presenter Cynthia Nyamai has narrated how she was denied a business deal for turning down a sexual proposition.

The proposition came from a Nigerian CEO who made Cynthia feel like a prostitute.

Speaking during an interview on Jessy Junction, Nyamai shared,

 “It’s a man world at the end of the day and you have to learn your way understand your purpose then things flow.

A Nigerian CEO katiad me. He told me we are not kids. I told him I wasn’t interested, after what he told me, I felt like I was called a prostitute.

He told me if you don’t want sikupatii deal. You go back to your room feeling useless so stupid.”

Mc Jessy asked her to advise young girls who may feel like they need to be compromised to get work.

“I had to learn to be disciplined working with these people.”

Cynthia went on to clarify that contrary to what people believe she had made a plan to exit KTN when she first joined the company.

Many people felt that she left her job at the prime of her career.

 “My career took off at KTN. I was one of the senior-most at KTN at the peak of my career and decided to leave. In my mind I told myself I will build my brand then I can start my business.

I always wanted to be a businesswoman. I was very clear when joining KTN I would stay for five years then exit.”

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