DJ Shiti reminisces on how prostitutes housed him when he was down

• Never judge anyone as everything that happens in life has a reason.

DJ Shiti
Image: Instagram

Kenyan actor DJ Shiti has revealed how prostitutes or 'night nurses' came to his rescue when he had nowhere to go.

According to Shiti he had to hide under the bed so that his friends could go on with their business. Speaking during an interview with Ala C, he revealed

'' I found a man wanting to beat up a lady so I defended her.

That's how they became my friends.

They would give me a place to sleep. I would hide under the bed while they continued their 'job'. I would help go through the pockets of the clients.

Never judge anyone as everything that happens in life has a reason. When I got my first show I got all of them complimentary tickets.

No one knew I slept outside just because they were there for me, they were family. So many things go on it's just that people do not know about it.

One 'night nurse' had even found me a place to go live with her brother but I found somewhere else.''


'We were 5 kids growing up and by the time I grew up the money, sources had been exhausted.

Bishop Mark Kariuki educated me.''

He thanked people who stood by him saying,

''Eric Omondi, Nameless, Bien, and the Kabus are the only celebs who you meet and make you feel like a superstar even when you are not.''