Timmy T Dat confesses the worst thing he has ever done for money

Piece by: Lily Mwangi

Kasabuni's finest, Timmy T Dat, cracks me up. There is always something new and interesting he has to offer us daily.

In an exclusive interview with Mpasho, he confessed that he has had his low moments in life all for the sake of hustling.

He said the worst thing he has ever done just so he can earn a few coins is collecting garbage. He appreciates the fact that he needed the money and garbage cllection availed it but he is done with that chapter of his life.

He also said, in his hustling days he was a tout and those were his lowest moments. From his song Kasayole featuring Khaligraph, he is proud of where is from and he mentions that is where he grew up and he respects where he was raised.

Clearly, he has struggled to make ends meet and he is now one of the biggest names in the music industry. Not every situation is permanent. Learn from our very own Timmy T Dat.