Tricks murderer of dismembered woman in Roysambu used to meet victim

• During their initial inquiry, the police found that the woman had been cautious and had attempted to familiarize herself with the man before agreeing to the meeting. 

The man linked to the Roysambu murder
Image: Screengrab

Recent details reveal that the woman brutally murdered and dismembered in Roysambu had been cautious about the suspect's behavior. The victim's remains were found inside garbage bags on Sunday, January 14.

In a K24 investigative report, it was uncovered that the woman, residing in Syokimau, communicated with her assailant through Instagram, where they arranged their meeting.

Sleuths, who gained access to their Instagram conversation, discovered that the man preferred using the platform over phone calls to avoid detection.

During their initial inquiry, the police found that the woman had been cautious and had attempted to familiarize herself with the man before agreeing to the meeting. 

Despite being given a location and time, she displayed reluctance at some point.

However, the determined suspect employed various tactics, including reverse psychology, pretending to abandon the meeting and suggesting a later catch-up as he claimed to be traveling out of the country, thereby distracting her.

Eventually, she agreed to meet him, possibly noting his lack of desperation.

Even after agreeing to the meeting, the woman sought assurance of her safety, indicating her awareness of potential risks.

Unfortunately, she would be killed after what was presumed to be an intimate encounter, with police suspecting the use of drugs.

"We highly suspect that the murderer drugged the woman before he ended her life," stated the police.

The victim's dismembered remains were placed inside polythene bags, and investigators are still searching for her head.

Police have apprehended at least three individuals connected to the heinous murder of a 20-year-old woman in TRM Drive, Roysambu.

Reliable reports indicate that investigators arrested the primary suspect at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Monday while attempting to escape to Abuja, Nigeria.

Simultaneously, two other suspects are in custody at Kasarani police station, accused of assisting the Nigerian man in committing the crime.

According to Kasarani OCPD, detectives are still compiling evidence surrounding the shocking murder before briefing the deceased's family on their complete findings.

It has also been revealed that the man utilized a hacksaw in his attempt to dismember the woman's body, and her head is still missing.

Police suspect that the man may have been hired for the crime, speculating that he might have transported the body to demonstrate to his employers that he had successfully completed the mission.

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