His Instagram account, with only 50 followers and 18 people he followed, including 9 well-known female personalities, showcased posts devoid of captions.
Among the celebs followed were Teacher Wanjiku, the comedian, actress, and producer. Matara also followed former TV anchors Betty Kyallo, Julie Gichuru, Janet Mbugua, and musicians Avril and Diana B.
Last week a caretaker for apartments near KU shared how he once had to intervene after Matara, 'kidnapped' a student who had come visiting during an interview with Citizen TV,
'He would exchange girls every day. He rarely left his residence. I later came to learn he met the women via dating sites. In March 2023, he brought a girl who was a student, she came visiting but he locked her up. The next day she couldn't leave the house.
When I managed to get into the house, I found a knife and I helped her get her stuff and leave. The woman had been sodomized and threatened with death."
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