Nakuru couple robbed 699K at gunpoint after leaving a bank

•The money was meant for the purchase of construction materials for their rental houses in Rongai.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

Joy Chebii and her husband Benson Langat are counting losses after being robbed of Ksh.699,000 just moments after leaving a bank.

The money was meant for the purchase of construction materials for their rental houses in Rongai.

The couple who hail from Rongai , Nakuru County had just left the bank and decided to pass by a joint to have lunch.

After that they hiked a hiking a matatu towards home where they alighted at Sobea junction and then took a boda boda.

A Landcruiser Prado overtook the couple and blocked them before gun-toting men ordered them to hand over the cash or else be shot.

Langat said he was ordered not to identify anybody in the vehicle as the thieves took all the money and left him only with Ksh.2,000 that was in a separate pocket before he was dumped on the roadside while covered with a sack.

The couple reported the matter to the Menengai police station, and Rongai OCPD Wilberforce Sicharani has since advised members of the public to avoid carrying large sums of money in bulk or using bags.

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