Mackenzie's letter to followers to fast to death in prison intercepted


• Prison authorities at Shimo la Tewa intercepted the letter by the cult leader to his followers.

A file photo of controversial preacher Paul Mackenzie and his wife Rhoda Maweu during a court session at Shanzu Law Court on May 2, 2023.
Image: The-Star

Shimo la Tewa Maximum Prison's prison officials have seized a letter written by cult leader Paul Mackenzie in which he instructs his followers to fast until death even while they are in captivity.

According to reports, one of Mackenzie's close friends, Kelvin Sudi Asena, aka Alfred Asena, sent the letter dated July 22. The letter had Mackenzie's approval.

The letter's contents, according to the director of public prosecution, are "dangerous."

Asena's authorship of the letter has already been established by forensic document inspection at the DCI.

According to Assistant DPP Jami Yamina's testimony before the court, "The letter was recently intercepted during the routine enforcement of prison safety, security, and discipline."

“The content of the said letter provides religious instructions. The information provides a basis for fasting to death,” he said.

The State claims that Asena, the writer of the letter, frequently consults with Mackenzie while they are sitting next to one other in court. He also likes being restrained with Mackenzie whenever possible.

Chief Inspector Raphael Wanjohi, the principal investigator into the Shakahola massacre, stated in a supporting affidavit that they think the letter contains religious instructions resulting from an extreme belief system.

“Upon analysis of the cumulative content, the investigators are of the view that the information is consistent with the witness account of witnesses who resided in Shakahola before the massacre, is consistent with the videos of the preaching of Mackenzie as part of his recruitment crusades,” Wanjohi said.

“They are also a danger to society if unleashed to the public as they appear keen to defend and justify their belief,” he said.

The DCI officer added that they have a good cause to believe that Mackenzie is using open court procedures to spread his radicalised ideas to the general public via his actions, both verbal and implied.

Mackenzie's attorney Wycliff Makasembo asked for yet another week on Thursday to answer to the DPP's plea to keep his client for an additional six months.

Mackenzie has now spent more than 180 days in police and prison detention since his initial arrest on April 15.

The police claimed that their inquiries into the deaths of more than 429 persons whose remains were exhumed from Shakahola woodland have not yet been completed.

At least 12 charges, including terrorism, murder, counselling and aiding suicide, kidnapping, radicalization, genocide, crimes against humanity, child abuse, fraud, and money laundering, are being brought against Mackenzi and the other co-accused.

They have not yet been formally charged, though. On October 19, the situation will be brought up.

However, the prosecution asked for the case to continue without Mackenzie and his co-accused, so they wouldn't be forced to show up in person before the court.

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