Mackenzie and 28 others to be detained for six more months


•The cult leader was accused of using religion to brainwash members of his congregation, some of whom denounced education and getting health aid from hospitals.

Pastor Mackenzie appears in court.

Kilifi controversial pastor Paul Mackenzi  will be detained for six more months.

He and 28 other will be detained pending their investigations and probation inquiry.

Mackenzi was first arrested on April 15, 2023, for allegedly telling his followers to starve themselves to death in order to ‘get to heaven faster’.

The cult leader was accused of using religion to brainwash members of his congregation, some of whom denounced education and getting health aid from hospitals.

The 29 of them were to know their verdict today, September 18, regarding the Shakahola massacre that led to the loss of more than 400 lives.


Since his arrest, more than 400 dead bodies of men, women, and even newly born babies have been exhumed from the Shakahola mass graves.

Mackenzie has spent more than four months in custody with the others getting arrested between May and June.

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