Four men killed by unknown people in Gatundu

Piece by: JOHN KAMAU

• Another man escaped and was treated and discharged at Igegania Level Four Hospital.

Image: FILE

Gatundu residents are still in shock after four men were killed by unkown people.

The four were killed at Gacugi village in Ngorongo, Gatundu North.

The four according to residents were on their way home at around 9 pm when they were attacked, killed and left by the roadside.

Residents claimed they seemed to have been hit on the head with a blunt object.

Another man escaped and was treated and discharged at Igegania Level Four Hospital.

"Their heads had been smashed with what we suspect is a metal rod or an axe. At first, we thought it was a hit-and-run accident when we saw the first victim but later discovered three others along the road. The entire village is in shock," resident James Mwangi said.

The residents claimed that the attack was executed silently since the victims didn't raise distress calls and were only discovered by other passers-by.

"There was no commotion at all. Alarm was raised by residents who discovered the bodies. We are in fear because the motive of the killings is not yet known. Nothing was stolen from the victims," Mwangi said.

This is the second incident in one month where residents in the village have been attacked. Early last month a middle-aged man was attacked and killed by unknown people.

The residents averred that cases of insecurity have been on the rise in the village and other neighbouring villages including Kairi, Ngorongo, Kagambwa and Gatono.

"The daring criminals are breaking into homes and stealing house appliances, livestock and even farm produce," resident Juliana Wanjiku said.

"We are not safe at all and we are worried that the culprits might even attack and harm our children especially now that they are on holiday."

They called on the police to beef up security in the villages.

"We want the police to thoroughly investigate this matter and apprehend the criminals who took the lives of innocent residents," another resident Mary Waithera said. 

"We want them to increase night patrols and flush out criminals from our villages."

The residents also pleaded with leaders to instal security lights in the villages to boost security.

Kiambu police commander Perminus Kioi said they are investigating the matter.

"We urge residents to remain patient and provide any information to help with investigations," Kioi said.

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