Willie Kimani's widow- I foresaw his death a year before his murder

Hannah said Willie was employed in 2015 at IJM Kenya as a field investigation officer.


• Hannah Kimani said in 2015 a year before her husband died, she got a premonition of his death and shared it with him.

Late rights lawyer Willie Kimani’s widow had a premonition of his death a year before his murder alongside his driver and client.

Speaking at his commemoration, Hannah Kimani said in 2015 a year before her husband died, she got a premonition of his death and shared it with him.

“Our God has a funny sense of preparing his servants, during easter Friday I had a premonition which showed me I had visited Willie but he was lying on a metallic table what was shocking was he was already dead and people were crying,” Hannah said.

She woke up and shared the dream with Willie who told her she needed to keep praying.

“One year later on June 23, 2016, Willie prepares for work leaves home smartly dressed full of life and never came back. Interestingly, when I was going to identify Willie’s body at the morgue, I was carrying my last born,” she said.

Hannah said Willie was employed in 2015 at IJM Kenya as a field investigation officer.

When he got home with the employment letter, she requested him to tell her of the job specifications.

“He replied that it was investigating a police officer so I was like you are not afraid of the police? He responded that police are human beings just like you and me and anyway, we die only once,” she said.

She also thanked IJM for the professional help they gave them saying when Willie was abducted, they called her very professionally and gave her hope that Willie will be found.

“As Willie's family, we could write a book about you but from the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you. Thank you for giving him a befitting burial and ensuring we had a roof over our heads and did not feel the scorching sun or cold of the night.

On a lighter note, she said her firstborn son says when he grows up he wants to become a policeman his brother says he wants to become an investigator."  she said.

Hannah said as Willie’s family got justice they hope other families do not have to experience many years of searching for justice.

"I hope the judiciary will hasten the justice process,” she said.

"Being a policeman is a noble profession, the government should ensure our policemen have continuous professional training to remind them that they are not above the law."

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