Dj Brownskin charged with aiding suicide of wife Sharon

Sharon was buried in August 2022.


• Sharon and DJ Brownskin had two kids.

• He is alleged to have sent a video of his wife downing poison to his 'girlfriend.'

DJ Brownskin and his late wife Sharon

Michael Macharia Njiri alias Dj Brownskin has been charged with three counts of aiding suicide.

According to court documents, the DJ was accused of counselling his wife Sharon Njeri to kill herself by taking poison.

He appeared before chief magistrate Lucas Onyina at Milimani Law Courts on June 12, 2023.

He is also facing another charge of neglect to prevent a felony and destroying evidence on July 29, 2022 at Kariobangi South in Embakasi West.

Below are things you did not know about her.

1. She was a mother of two.

 She and her partner DJ Brownskin had a son and a daughter.

2. Sharon started battling depression in 2020.

3. She tried taking her own life in June 2022, before she finally took her own life by hanging herself in July 2022.

4. She was married to DJ Brownskin.

5. She is an Alumni of the University of Nairobi.

6. Sharon celebrated her last birthday on December 23, 2021.


7. She was buried in August 2022.

8. Sharon allegedly died by suicide, weeks after a video of her downing an alleged poisonous concoction - that went viral.

In the video , a man behind the camera is heard asking the late Sharon Njeri to go ahead and mix the concoction.

She willingly does so and gulps the content as the man continues recording. Within no time the woman is seen writhing in pain before everything goes blank.

The man is alleged to be DJ Brownskin who had two kids with the late Sharon.

Even though she took her own life in July 2022, it is not clear the motive behind the video being released months later.

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