Senior cop dead after stabbing in Laikipia changaa den

He had gone to the den to arrest a known supplier of the illicit brew when the mission turned tragic.


• Police said the assailant was still missing and efforts to trace him were ongoing.

• The body was moved to a local mortuary pending autopsy and further probe.

The deputy Officer Commanding Station Rumuruti inspector Prosper Wandera.
Image: Handout

A senior police officer was Thursday evening stabbed to death at a changáa den in Rumuruti, Laikipia County.

Rumuruti deputy Officer Commanding Station Prosper Wandera had hiked a lift on a motorcycle to a known den for what the rider termed as an operation on his own.

He had gone to the den to arrest a known supplier of the illicit brew when the mission turned tragic.

And when he arrived at the den, he confronted the supplier of the changáa as he delivered 20 litres of the illicit drink.

According to the rider who took the officer to the scene, the confrontation turned physical before the supplier picked a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the chest killing him on the spot.

This happened in Maundu Ni Meri shopping centre about 15 kilometers away from the police station where the officer worked.

The suspect fled immediately after stabbing the deceased to death using a motorcycle, leaving the 20 litres of chang'aa at the scene.

Senior police officers visited the scene and announced a hunt for the suspect had been launched.

The body was moved to a local mortuary pending autopsy and further probe.

Police said the assailant was still missing and efforts to trace him were ongoing.

Cases of police deaths have been on the rise in an alarming rate amid calls for caution from the service at large.

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