Amani releases first gospel song after quiting secular life

Piece by: Queen Serem

Amani has released her first gospel song, Jina Lake Yesu, after turning a new leaf. Several female celebrities have decided to turn a new leaf and give their lives to Christ, which is something she counts as a joy.

In an interview with she said:

“There was nothing particular that happened to me to be born again, but it's just that I got tired. I would feel like I would be somewhere, sit down at home without travelling like I used to do before being in a music concert or even performing, then I asked myself what could be the problem.

"It's when I realized there was something I needed to change in my life. I started searching why am I not feeling the same anymore, and its when I realized that my heart was not there anymore."

When asked what drove her to take the righteous path, she said,

"Well, it was basically a personal decision to follow Christ. Two years ago, I felt I am actually done with the whole industry and basically my own life, and I felt yeah, I need to turn over a new leaf."

She went on to add,

"I decided to be quiet about it, for one because, once you get saved, the transition is not overnight. You have to go through your old transformation and get new habits and form new ones. I also wanted to get to a point where I would be comfortable about talking about it and a point where I felt like I had gotten to a new lifestyle, though each day God is working on you with different stuff. So when I felt I was comfortable talking about it, is when I did."

Here is her very first gospel song dubbed Jina Lake Yesu.
