With All His Churchill Show Money, Owago Onyiro's House Doesn't Have Furniture (PHOTOS)

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

Owago Onyiro seems to be a man of taste. That is if my interior decor expert friend is to be believed. Apparently this setup is called beduoin - for watu wa mtaa, this name means "desert dwellers" in Arabic language. To me however, this is ultimate bachelor living!

What am I referring to? The lack of furniture ofcourse. I fail to understand how someone with so much money can lead such a Spartan life. Do not get me wrong, I lead such a lifestyle but only because unlike Owago, I am but a poor scribe and besides, no one cares about how I live.

This is something of a polarizing topic though. Some guys will think this lifestyle is cool. Others will think this lifestyle too Spartan. I would be among them. If I had his money I would be in a well furnished circumstance - sitting on a fully leather couch thinking about my woes but...Anyway, this is how Owago lives: