Why You Need A Sponsor: Is This The Book Jacob Juma's Alleged Chipo Cheryl Kitonga Read?

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

There is a book I was just made aware of that seeks to help little lasses, who are just beginning their adulting journey, with the best tips on how to get further ahead in life with less stress.

The book  which I will be introducing to you,  simply postulates that what women need isn't a mentor but rather a sponsor; someone who can open all those expensive doors for you as you open your tender thighs.

And the book was actually being pushed by none other than the Harvad Business review press... Shame really. I thought what women need to hear is the truth about how hard work not only pays but earns you respect among your peers. But what do I know, I am simply an XY chromosome holder.

Wonder whether Cheryl Kitonga had read this book though.