'When is mama coming back?' Tedd Josiah reveals daughter's questions

Piece by: Queen Serem

Tedd Josiah says his daughter Jameela Wendo has reached the age where she has started asking about her mother.

Her mother, Reginah Katar died three months after giving birth to Wendo. Taking to Instagram, Tedd revealed that;

"A mother’s Legacy

Now her daughter has started that tough conversation “when is my mama coming back?” “ I know my mama loves me and i love her and you love her”

"When guests walk in she will show the her mom’s pictures..... and though sweet in its very nature it’s also a hard one


#RaisingJay #TheManMom"

Tedd describes himself as The Man Mom, who has been the father and mother to his daughter since his wife passed away.

The legendary music producer revealed that some of his wife's last words were

‘Please carry the baby, she’s getting heavy for me’.”

Tedd continues to share his parenting journey on his social media for his fans to watch and learn what they can.