What to do if you find out your partner is cheating - List

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

There has been increased cases of infidelity not only among Kenyan celebrities but also among Kenyan men especially since Covid-19 struck.

Sad as it may be, infidelity is here to stay.

Some people chose to stay but others prefer to walk away when they find out that their better halves are straying.

Below are things to do when you find out your spouse is cheating.

1- Confront them

Do this only if you know that your man is not the violent type, some will fight you if you confront and ask them if they are cheating.

Sit your partner down confront them and hear their side of the story.

Don't always assume your man/woman is cheating just because people told you so.

Some are just, members of kamati ya roho chafu who might be waiting for you to break up.

2. Avoid name calling

Finding out you have been cheated on sucks, it actually humiliating but try everything possible to avoid name calling.

Remember that words once said cannot be taken back.

3. Give each other space

This you can do by staying with a family member or a hotel.

By doing so you will get time to clear your mind and decide on the best way forward.

4. Do not cheat to get back at your partner

Cheating to get back at your partner is the last thing you should think of. The idea might seem fun at first but believe me in the end you might end up regretting it.

5. Only involve your friends and family as a last resort

This is because some families might take sides with the person who was caught cheating especially if he was their child.

6. Do not blame yourself if your partner cheats

If he /she decides to cheat it's his fault and not yours. So don't kill yourself trying to wonder what you did wrong.