What Day Of The Week Are You At? I Feel Like A Thursday!

Piece by: Mercy Gakii

I tell you this week seems to have developed a life of its own. Ambling on, but now it is kinda racing to somewhere.

I don't know if it is the US presidential elections that could be wearing you down, but again, you are too far away from America to care.

It's not just the high octane elections, even your everyday tasks, activities, stuff to do can sap away the last of the wind in your sails.

Like today, I was feeling like I could not manage to meet my work deadlines. But I did something, and it changed everything!

I took a brisk walk up the road, walked for just half an hour, and was back whistling like a train! The stress was all gone!

Are you in a similar boat?  With loads of work,sinking you by the minute?  I happen to have a solution; something that could help you stay sane.

Want to know what? There is something made for your situation, and works faster than taking a long walk.

Good thing, RedBull is powered with high quality ingredients, such as vitamins and enough water. Downing a can of Red Bull is really equal to downing a cup of coffee. Did you know that? Now, get yourself good energy to handle the pressure in one go!