This is the surest way for Vera Sidika to get over Otile Brown

Piece by: Lily Mwangi

Songa By Safaricom is here to help Vera Sidika who seems to be dealing with the heartbreak quite well.

She opened up to the world about what Otile did to her then a week later, she decided to go all natural. As you know, after a heartbreak, ladies usually want to make significant physical changes to mark the start of a new life.

Revenge body is one thing that works for most women, or dyed short hair and a change of wardrobe which comes with the loss or gaining of weight. As you've seen Vera has been working out and she decided to go all natural.

Vera Sidika took off her wig her lashes and all that makeup she hides behind. Funny thing, she actually looks cute.

The other universal way to heal from a heartbreak is through music. Vera Sidika, Songa By Safaricom gat you with a heartbreak playlist that can keep you going: