'...Thinking how tragic a year you had,' Read Dennis Itumbi's emotional message to Jacque Maribe

Piece by: Caren Nyota

Dennis Itumbi is one of those friends any woman would want to have. The  State House digital director has proven to be a true friend, a comforter and a friend indeed to his best friend Jacque Maribe in the past few months.

Maribe was arrested in connection with the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani and remanded for close to a month and later released on bail. Her ex-fiance Joseph Irungu aka Jowie, who is the main suspect in the murder case is still in remand until next year when he will appear in court.

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Today is the TV girl's birthday and Itumbi has taken to social media to pen a heartwarming letter to her that has gone viral.

In the letter, he asks Maribe to give him a chance to 'watch her re-introduce herself in 2019' among other things.

Below is the letter, go through;

I wrote this one late,

Kindly carry it to the car as you go to court today,

That is why I slip this under your door,

Happy Birthday Jacque Maribe,

Been standing outside your door,

With pen and notebook,

Thinking how Tragic a year you had,

Impressed by the Magic you have,

Aware that like someone said,

A challenge, only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.

So here my birthday note,

At least one day this year find a very rainy mid-morning, I will come with an umbrella,

So that, I can hold just one raindrop for you, place it on your bicep and watch it roll down.

I ask for no more,

Just a chance to watch you re-introduce yourself in 2019,

With your wounds - Yes.

With your visible scars - Yes.

But with fresh stamina..

Undeterred passion

Because you are,

Jacque Maribe.

Happy Birthday!

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Check out the reactions from Kenyans

Nikkitah Maria Nyambura 😂Happy Birthday Jacqueline and you should consider Deno's heart.

Semeiyan Lulu Mashua Love love this it’s adorably touching and thoughtful,

Joseph Makumi Munga Governor Happy born day Jacque Wanjiru Maribe thanks for supporting Maribe during her difficult time.

Patiencekilonzo: Happy birthday... Scars are stars and indication how we have fought right.

collins_achira @jacquemaribe no problem is permanent n above all its your birthday...enjoy with no pains.

rita.kinya Hbd Maribe

Pitaguy MN Try move on Dennis.she has over and again indicated its not you!

Janet Wacera Lovely ...lovely...the best message any lady would wish to wake to!Many returns Maribe...Dennis Itumbi keep encouraging and standing with her.Be blessed and do not listen to negative energies!

renee_wachira Happy birthday boo... @jacquemaribe

becky_beccs Happy birthday @jacquemaribe

Wangeci Rubuya Happy Birthday Jackie. God is faithful. Cheers to many more blessed years ahead

Donald Chiluba Otiende Denis Itumbi..... Women of today don't buy this she won't even take you seriously!!.......Happy Birthday to her

Wangai Peter Happy birthday Jackie, Dennis you win the best friend of the year award.

Halligan Agade My prayer is that Jacque Maribe should someday give Dennis Itumbi a chance to love her properly. It's been a long time and the comrade seems to genuinely love her. Nzau Ya Musau ama unasemaje

Nikkitah Maria Nyambura 😂Happy Birthday Jacqueline and you should consider Deno's heart.

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