Top Bollywood Star Tears At One Of Kenya's Wealthiest And Most Powerful Families (The Same Family That Owns Kempinski)

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

My word! To call this explosive is to lie. That would be like calling the big bang an explosion. This is akin to a supernova. What am I yammering and dithering about? Well, I have come across a story posted by an Indian superstar in regards to his recent Kenyan tour.

The artist in question is called Sonu Nigam and boy was he in the mood to cast some shade on the promoters who invited him here who happen to be one of the most powerful families in Kenya, nay, in East Africa -co let's be honest, if Kenya sneezes, East Africa catches pneumonia. Anyway, the family also happens to be the family upcoming artist Alysha Popat hails from:

Anyway, here the story is as was from the horses mouth:

"Just to warn my colleagues. Had a disappointing experience with the promoters in Nairobi on 30th Aug 2014 despite putting forward one of the finest concerts of my life..

Be warned if you get approached by Shelina Popat (Contact Network Ltd), Kareema Popat or Priti Patel (Alishaan Entertainment) if ever.

Priti is someone who would promise activities on your behalf besides your concert, without your consent, and the other two, will threaten your people in an utterly cocky, contemptuous, ignorant and petty fashion.

Your tech requests will not be paid heed to, your sound and lights will embarrass you midway through the show making the audience feel it would be your fault until you make them aware of the callousness of the people who were supposed to organise all that.

You will be asked to sing with one of the relatives just as u are leaving for the concert. There will be 50 innocent, unsuspecting people waiting zealously for pictures post show below your hotel as they have been promised that. The wife of the owner of the hotel, Kareema will threaten your people about how powerful she is. Even after you would oblige wholeheartedly with the pictures, you'd be told Shelina was sitting far off like an upset child because she's shocked you are not coming over to her house the next day afternoon as she's invited 50-60 guests for lunch. Kareema would convey that you better leave Her Hotel Kempinskey cuz she's really upset. And really powerful. And they are Really Big!

Eventually after all the humiliation and threatening your people would have to receive, no one will check upon you for 2 days. And then you'd come back. Not knowing where you goofed up! Your office did the usual communications pre concert regarding the tech riders etc. You were ready dot on time for the show. You performed to the best of your ability. The twitter and Facebook is going gaga over your performance. You didn't ask for limousines or massage girls, or abuse the promoters.. You did your job. Your duty is done. Rest everything, should have been requested for, rather than considered the promoter's birthright.

And then you'd forgive them, and move on just wishing someone Had Warned You!

That's what I'm doing Now!!

ShreyaGoshal @kunal @Shankar @abhijit"