These Are The Top 6 Countries That Allow Guys To Use Weed [Photos]

Piece by: Harun Momanyi
In Kenya, it is illegal to grow or sell weed but do you know that in other countries it is not a big deal to smoke pot? Here are some of the countries with this characteristic:
The country is famous for giving rise to the weed-smoking culture. In 2013, the government made marijuana possession; however only in small amounts.

Possession of up to 8 grams of marijuana is legal.

It is one of the leading nations in terms of the marijuana legalization rate in the world. The states that allow consumption include Colorado, Alaska and Illinois (medical use only.)
Planting and personal usage is legal but sale and transportation is a crime.
In this European country, possession of weed up to 5 grams for personal 'eating' is alright but being found with larger amounts and selling it is where the trouble begins.
In this country, you are allowed to plant and use the weed for personal consumption. However, selling the drug or public possession is punishable by fine.