This Is What Happens To You When You Don't Have A Sexy Body

Piece by: Harun Momanyi

I've observed this so much and I've ultimately proved it. Sexually attractive people make people do a lot just to look like them. There was a man who spent 9,170,650 just to look like Justin Bieber. As if not enough, another man spent the same amount to look like Kim Kardashian! However, this girl called Claire Leeson was modest enough to use just 30 percent of that amount to look like Kim Kardashian.

In Kenya, the situation is more less the same. There's a booming butt enlargement and skin lightening industry in Kenya.  Most people don't care about the effects that come with their wrong choice of investment. From amputation to getting skin cancer, we've heard horror stories about body enhancement gone wrong. I want to show you photos of people who invested their millions in to looking like their celebrity crushes.

Not looking sexy brings low self-esteem to people and this is the effect:

Toby's story

Claire's story [photos]

Jordan James Parke's story [photos]