Only Ten Days To Go: You Will Soon Understand The Power Of Purpose

Piece by: Mercy Gakii

You see, a great man said that without purpose, we are as good as non-existent. Purpose is why you were made in the first place!

There are some of you who are walking around so broke, lonely, empty on the inside, without knowing you are meant to be great.

So, do you know why you are here on earth?Are you here to throw stones around? Or to be used by others and make money for them? You need to find yourself now! How, you ask? Stay with me on this one, and you won't be disappointed.

Do you know that you personally hold your abilities, gifts and talents? Only You alone understands well what it is that you are destined to be.

You know your strengths and you know your weaknesses. You know the areas that you can improve on.

Having given you these insights, I want you to train your mind in readiness for a life changing event that is coming up in just ten days.It starts here —->