'Sodom and Gomorrah!' Fans react after man exposed wife for sleeping with their pastor

Piece by: Caren Nyota

A married has left many in shock after exposing his wife for having an affair with their pastor.

According to the man, he found out that his wife and the man of God used to have illicit affair before she was introduced to him.

'Sometimes in 2018, my pastor introduced me to my wife. They have been friends for years. I was new in my church then he introduced m to her and said I should marry her it as a sign from God. About a week ago, I got to know through a church member that my wife and the pastor used to have an affair back then before I joined the church but my wife never told me. I am uncomfortable about it. I asked my wife why she didn't tell me about the affair and she said that's her past. I now know why the pastor's wife doesn't like my wife. I want to leave the church but my wife doesn't want to. She cooks for the pastor and they are close. Am I in the right marriage? What do you think?' he posted.

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Reactions include;

jberryswt Your wife is still cooking for her ex? wololo

akinyiesther_ The end times are here! Yaani pastor anataste mali then anapitishia followers wake. Jesus take the wheel

wambora.eric87 Sodom and Gomorrah reloaded. That church should be closed down

alfreda93 Some women are the cause of their problem,like why cook for your pastor I don’t understand, there should be boundaries

chimeezu They are still hooking up. She cooks for the pastor? Come off it! She doesn’t want to leave? You should be worried.

moses_kamau Sounds like they are still seeing each other

naonstephen You have been played by your pastor

miss.semira All these people who are given wives by pastors its time you investigate them

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