Alai condemns City Hall plan to buy Sh30 million gold mace


• Tender documents reveal that the assembly specified that the head, neck, crest, shaft, and tail of the mace will all be 18-carat gold-plated.

Robert Alai
Image: Instagram

Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai has voiced his criticism against the Nairobi county assembly's plans to purchase a new mace valued at millions.

As per the Annual Development Plan 2023-2024, taxpayers are expected to foot a Sh30 million bill for the acquisition of an 18-carat gold-plated mace.

Alai raised concerns about the county's decision to prioritize the mace over other pressing development issues, stating, "It’s wrong for the Nairobi City County Assembly to buy a new Mace as if that’s the most urgent thing.

There are many things which should be spent on. A mace shouldn’t be a priority. I condemn this tender and call on Nairobians to resist this wanton wastage of funds."

Tender documents reveal that the assembly specified that the head, neck, crest, shaft, and tail of the mace will all be 18-carat gold-plated.

The mace
Image: The-Star

The mace's weight is set to range from 10kg to 10.5kg, with a height of approximately 1.2 meters. Its shaft will consist of six pieces, each crafted in brass and silver-plated, separated by seven solid brass rings plated in 18ct gold.

The tender document details symbolic images, including the Nairobi Expressway, Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi National Park, Second World War memorial soldiers, and City Hall building, incorporated into the mace's design.

The tail of the mace will conclude with a solid brass foot plated in 18ct gold, and the upper base, crafted from solid brass with a brushed finish, will be plated in 999 fine silver, featuring inscriptions representing the 85 wards of Nairobi County.

"The successful bidder is required to produce a dummy mace, a replica of the original in aesthetics but not material content.

The dummy mace should resemble the original in all standards and size, constructed of steel with golden coatings," reads the tender document.

In addition to the mace, the county plans to procure a vault featuring nine separate lockable compartments, weighing 500 kg, constructed with heavy-duty steel and fire-resistant materials capable of withstanding high temperatures.

The tender emphasizes the importance of ensuring quality in the production process, with the successful bidder facilitating the involvement of technical experts to oversee the entire process.

The ceremonial Mace is a highly ornamented staff used in civic ceremonies or before a revered gathering to symbolize authority.

It is a vital symbol of parliamentary tradition and represents the authority of the legislature in which it is displayed and utilized.

In many Parliaments, no formal business can be transacted in the absence of the Mace.

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