Ruto-Kenya living beyond her means, that must change


• The head of state says Kenyans must retire illusionary benefits of wasteful expenditure

William Ruto at Parliament
Image: Ezekiel Aminga

According to President William Ruto, the country has been living lavishly and well over its means, and this needs to change.

Ruto remarked that the nation had to acknowledge that it has been living beyond its means during Thursday's State of the Nation address in Parliament.

"We must admit that as a country we had been living large and way beyond our means. The time has come to retire the false comforts," he said.

Putting an end to the talk of subsidising products like fuel due to skyrocketing prices, Ruto cited counterproductive subsidy interventions as one of the reasons Kenya has been stuck in debt.

"Counterproductive subsidies on consumption by which we dug ourselves deeper into the hole of avoidable debt," he said.

Ruto said many people are struggling and necessary steps must be taken.

"The new direction might not be easy but it's ethical, responsible, prudent and necessary," he said.

Ruto said the government's commitment to reducing the cost of living is bearing fruit.

He said the cost of living is a reality that can be addressed by households through effective measures.

The President added that by supporting agricultural production, the country has addressed the high cost of living.

"I am committed to putting the shame of hunger behind us once and for all. We rolled out a country-wide farmer registration and fertiliser subsidy program that has made available 5.5 million bags to farmers across Kenya," he said.

The President said the government has reduced the price of fertiliser from Sh6,500 to Sh2,500 and increased maize acreage.

Ruto also reaffirmed his commitment to end corruption in his government.

He said the vice has no place in his administration adding that all corruption cases are going to be dealt with ruthlessly, with finality and expeditiously.

Corruption, wastage, inefficiency and negligence, Ruto said, are serious threats to the transformation agenda.

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