Peter Salasya faces severe backlash for eating strange food (video)

β€’ The MP is well-known for his controversial takes and antics.

Peter Salasya.
Image: Instagram

Mumias East Member of Parliament Peter Salasya has caused a stir online over his latest post.

The politician is facing backlash over what netizens are terming as village mentality which they strongly feel is not a good look for Salasya's brand and generally for us as citizens because when we go for online wars with other nations, our leaders' antics are used to troll us.

Salasya's moment came after he shared a video of he and his team members engaging in a food-eating competition as a part of his efforts for team building. What's the harm in that you are probably wondering.

Here is the catch, the food-eating competition was far from anything conventional that you'd imagine. The MP and his team were not competing on who would finish hot dogs the first or even loaves of bread, the group were snacking on termites from a huge white bucket!

Can you imagine that and to make matters worse, they were uncooked and had their feathers on and all that! (I asked around and I was told that people do shallow fry them) Like you could literally see them flapping trying to escape from the bucket as Salasya and his team grabbed at them in handfuls stuffing the insects in their mouths.

"As [a] team building strategy day with my team I brought them at home for termite competition where I won the game of eating termites πŸ˜…" wrote the first term MP sharing a video of their shenanigans online.

Netizens (just like I) found the video very far from amusing with some comments so vile they couldn't be published. They called for the politician to learn to be poised and proper.

Below are a few comments from Instagram users sharing their 2 cents on Peter's video;

Wakili_kiriago_jnr: Kiongos, this is the true definition of β€˜You can take a man out of the village but you can never take out the village in him.’ πŸ˜‚

evalynnthambi: Waluhya huyu ndio mlichagua!

heritaz_mg: Nahiii nayo sio ati unatu impress Sisi hiii ni ujinga sana😒

atem_anyuon: Why you gotta eat that while alive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

mosota_steve: We mzee unastahili rehabilitation centre bana sasa umezidiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

bontezmusic_ke: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚gani hizi muhesh si Hadi mtoe manyoya

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