Gachagua blaming 'White Man' for only getting 2 kids

• The DP also urged Mt. Kenya residents to get '5, 6, 7, 8 kids'.

Rigathi Gachagua with his wife and 2 sons
Image: Instagram

As is his norm, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has opened up about one of his regrets in life in his usually direct manner.

Yesterday in an interview with Inooro FM, the DP explained that he was deceived into having two children by Kenya's colonial masters.

President Ruto's number 2 said that he came from a large family of 9 kids. What was impressive was that despite their large number, Gachagua's uneducated parents made sure he and all his siblings got an education.

"I was deceived by the white man to only get two children. It's the stupidity of that era because we were still naive and believed everything the white man said... We were nine in our family, and despite our parents being uneducated, they took us to school," said Gachagua.

He then took the opportunity to encourage Mt Kenya residents to get more children, arguing that God would help provide and raise them.

"Let people have 5, 6, 7, 8. God will help you, and you will be able to raise them," added the DP. 

While his revelation above might be too much for some, Rigathi has proven in the past year that he will not be muzzled and will always speak his mind, the consequences be damned.

Just last week, Rigathi let out that he gave his wife, the second lady Sh3,000 for her salon costs, something that shocked many considering his Sh1.4 million salary!

That disclosure caused a hullabaloo with Kenyan men online deciding to make hilarious memes about it so much so that he begged that men wouldn't reduce what they were already spending on their ladies because of what he had said.

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