Musalia Mudavadi hints at possible Cabinet reshuffle


• "At an appropriate time, the President could make such changes."

Musalia Mudavadi
Image: The-Star

Musalia Mudavadi, the prime cabinet secretary, has made a suggestion that a cabinet upheaval may be imminent.

President William Ruto has made it clear that he wants to serve the people of Kenya, according to a statement released by Mudavadi on Sunday.

He also stated that all government officials must always ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Mudavadi stated that the President has the authority to change the administration when he believes it is the proper time and prudent to do so, despite the fact that he withheld further specifics about the matter.

"The President is clear about one thing, this administration is about efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery to the people," Mudavadi said..

"The moment any appointee steps out of line or acts in a manner that is inconsistent with this mantra, it is not beyond the President to make changes in senior ranks of the Executive. At an appropriate time and in his wisdom, the President could make such changes," he added.

Top government officials recently appeared to be overcome with fear when rumours of an impending dramatic overhaul in Ruto's administration surfaced.

After openly criticising 'incompetent and lazy' Cabinet Secretaries and Principal Secretaries, Ruto did this.

Kenyans have increased their pressure on the president due to his 'dream team's' appalling performance.

According to reports, Ruto is under pressure from some global powers to discipline some of the country's highest commanders whose behaviour has been deemed deplorable.

In light of the nation's escalating fuel prices, Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale on Sunday urged President William Ruto to fire three of his top officials.

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