Wetangula: Luo nation owes us a political debt that should be repaid


• "Raila has our debt that he needs to pay back," Wetang'ula said.

Moses Wetangula
Image: The-Star

Moses Wetangula, the speaker of the national assembly, asserted that the Luo people owe the Luhya people a political debt that must be repaid.

“We have supported the Luos for many years. It is their turn to return the hand and support us,” he said.

Wetangula also called on the Luhya nation to be united, noting that unity will make the region develop.

“If we aren’t united, I tell you we shall get nothing. But if we stand firm and place our votes in a basket we shall have a voice to negotiate with other communities,” he said.

He added;

“I will go around the country to seek support and friendship from other communities.”

Wetang'ula praised Bungoma County inhabitants for their resounding support of President William Ruto, claiming that Bungoma will determine whether or not the 2022 elections were won or lost.

“We walked and supported our friend Raila Odinga many times but when our time came to support us he kicked us, he has our debt that he needs to pay back,” he said, adding that we shall go to the Luos to ask for their support even if they don’t open the door we shall force to ensure that we are united.

The DPP, CBK chairman, KRA commissioner general, PS, and CS jobs that President Ruto gave the Western region were mentioned by the speaker of the National Assembly as examples of how much the region has benefited under the Kenya Kwanza government as opposed to prior ones.

“We are there to ensure that the Western region benefits greatly from this government. I will not let you down, my people,” Wetang’ula stated.

Speaking at the same event, Bumula MP Jack Wamboka asked ANC leaders Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford Kenya counterpart Moses Wetang’ula to consider having talks with ODM deputy leader and former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya and DAP-K leaders Eugene Wamalwa concerning future polls.

“Everybody is talking about the Luhya ascending to power but now if we want to realize our dream, then let us involve all of us to ensure that votes are channelled in one basket,” Wamboka added.

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