Kalonzo: Why Azimio now recognises Ruto as President


• He said the coalition made a U-turn on Ruto because of his stance on talks.

Kalonzo Musyoka
Image: The-Star

According to co-principal of Azimio la Umoja Kalonzo Musyoka, the alliance now accepts President William Ruto as the rightful Head of State.

In Voi, Taita Taveta county, on Saturday, Kalonzo spoke when he was there for Constance Mkamburi Mwandawiro's funeral. She had been nominated for a Wiper award.

Because of his support for continuing the bipartisan negotiations between the Kwanza faction of Kenya and Azimio, he claimed, the coalition recognises Ruto as the President.

"We are going to call everybody to order. And nobody is going to stop these discussions. On that part I must congratulate the President because he has put his foot down anasema mazungumzo iendelee,"Kalonzo said. 

"Na kwa sababu ya kuonyesha msimamo huo, ata na sisi tunazidi kumtambua."

He claimed that aside from being astonished by the comments made by the president's deputy Rigathi Gachagua, who consistently dismisses the negotiations, the coalition has no issues with the president.

Gachagau has insisted that the talks won't result in anything.

"We have no issue with anyone, but we have a problem with some people's remarks. Like the Deputy President's remarks at a funeral in Ukambani. He spoke words that shocked the people of Machakos, some were just staring at him in disbelief," Kalonzo said. 

The leader of the Wiper Party acknowledged that the cost of living is quite high but added that all topics will be discussed.

The Azimio Coalition, led by Raila Odinga, has consistently refused to accept Ruto as the legitimately elected head of state since the August 9 elections of last year.

In the election on August 9, 2022, the coalition alleged that their win had been stolen.

Electoral justice, entrenching finances into the Constitution, establishment of state offices, fidelity to political parties/coalitions, and the law on multi-party democracy are some of the topics that the bipartisan talks will tackle.

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