The political activist was arrested alongside other Azimio leaders.

Who is Pauline Njoroge?


• The political activist was arrested by the cops on an alleged drug possession charge.

Pauline Njoroge
Image: Instagram

Pauline Njoroge, a political activist was recently arrested alongside some of the Azimio leaders over an alleged drug possession charge.

People know about her political activist side but very few know about her journey to the top and the struggles she has gone through.

Pauline Njoroge was born and raised in Githiga, Kiambu County on September 14th, 1986, but very few people know about her parents and siblings.

The young lady spent her early years with her maternal grandmother and at the age of 10 she had to move back to the village after the death of her mother.

The activist attended high school at Moi Girls Kamangu and on completion was unable to raise fees for her to join the university.

Out of desperation she once tried to meet the late President Daniel Arap Moi in his homestead at Kabarnet Gardens but she never got to see him and make her plight known.

The resilient lady applied to join The Catholic University and was admitted in 2007 but did not have enough fees to pay for her education and hence had to discontinue her studies.

A friend was able to give her Sh100,000 which she used to enroll at Mt Kenya University to study political science and there she did her studies.

She also obtained a master's in International relations and Diplomacy studies from the University of Nairobi.

Pauline Njoroge
Image: Instagram

Being actively involved and passionate in politics, she started a foundation in 2010 called Eagles Leadership Foundation.

In 2013 she was an active campaigner for The National Alliance Party where she was also a communications strategist.

Later on in September 2013, she was appointed as a communications specialist for NEPAD under the National Treasury and Planning.

Using her positions she was able to engage people in creating awareness on social media platforms on political issues and happenings.

In August 2020, the beautiful lady was appointed as a member of the Tourism Regulatory Board which was later done away with.

Her personal life or whether she's dating have been kept off social media with people knowing very little about her private life.

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