Makau to Ruto: Talks with Raila is the only way out


• He said the state can’t successfully fight the clergy, the West, Azimio, and hustlers combined

Makau Mutua
Image: The-Star

President William Ruto has been urged to shake hands with Raila Odinga, the head of the opposition, in order to put an end to the anti-government demonstrations, according to Azimio Spokesperson Makau Mutua.

In a statement on Thursday, Mutua referred to the continuous "clashes" with the opposition caused by protests and other fights and urged that the government should quit digging a hole.

 "The state can’t successfully fight the clergy, the West, Azimio, and hustlers combined. Stop digging when in a hole," he said.

He then informed the President that his only option was to attempt to shake hands with the opposition.

"The only way out is sitting across the table to seek a political settlement. You don’t make peace with your friends, but with your foes," Mutua added.

President Ruto reprimanded Azimio leader Raila Odinga for shaking hands on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Ruto said that the handshake was to blame for the nation's economic difficulties when speaking in Kericho.

Kenyans do not want another handshake, he continued.

However, the president maintained that as long as the conversation is focused on enhancing Kenyans' quality of life, he has no problem speaking with anyone.

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