Baby On Board!! MP Naisula Lesuda pregnant with baby no 2

Naisula Lesuuda wedded Kiplagat on November 17, 2018, in a lavish wedding ceremony.

• The news was broken by fellow politician Martha Wangari.

MP Naisula Lesuda and fellow MP Martha Wangari

Member of Parliament Samburu West Neisula Lesuda is pregnant with her second child. The news was broken by fellow politician Martha Wangari.

Wangari took to her socials to share a photo of a heavily pregnant Lesuda, wishing her all the best in her journey.

"Congratulations my girl @Lesuuda May God see you to the end of this lovely journey."

An excited Lesuda shared

"Thank you so much and Amen dear. Be blessed always."

The politician welcomed her first child, a daughter in 2020.

Speaking at the time Lesuda said her daughter's birth was prophetic.

Her first born is named Enzi Chelimo Melau Koitaba. 

Explaining the meaning of her daughter’s name, Lesuda shared that ; Enzi-Powerful, Chelimo - Born in the morning, and Melau - The one who never lacks.

The Samburu West MP also revealed that her daughter’s birth was a prophecy by her grandmother, who gifted them a handmade baby doll during their wedding in 2018.

According to Naisula, her grandmother had originally handmade a boy doll, but it broke, making her go for a girl doll.

Naisula Lesuuda wedded Kiplagat on November 17, 2018, in a lavish wedding ceremony.

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